Lost RT
(too old to reply)
Phill Newman
2003-11-10 04:31:34 UTC
I lost my RT after just beginning to work her this season. I have spent
considerable time looking for her and have located her three times. I have
been trying to trap her on a B.C. but there seems like there is very little
interest. She barely gives it a passing glance. Almost like she remembers
what it was like to be caught the first time.

Does anyone have any ideas of what else I can do. She has been hanging out
within 2 miles of my house ever since her involuntary release and seems to
be doing fine. Her manners on game and her overall personality was so
sweet, she really spoiled me. Id sure love to have her back.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

Andrea Chen
2003-11-12 00:51:33 UTC
Post by Phill Newman
I lost my RT after just beginning to work her this season. I have
spent considerable time looking for her and have located her three
times. I have been trying to trap her on a B.C. but there seems like
there is very little interest. She barely gives it a passing glance.
Almost like she remembers what it was like to be caught the first
Does anyone have any ideas of what else I can do. She has been
hanging out within 2 miles of my house ever since her involuntary
release and seems to be doing fine. Her manners on game and her
overall personality was so sweet, she really spoiled me. Id sure love
to have her back.
That's a tough one. If she was a good hunter before, she won't be hungry
enough to go for your trap. If you locate her, follow and wait until she
roosts for the night, then go out first thing, before dawn, and drop your
trap. One thing I might try is a different vehicle if you can borrow or
beg one, and possibly even borrowing someone else to toss the trap for
you. (I hope you don't take offence if it sounds like she hates you or
something, that's not my intention.)

Also, have you tried standing out in the field in front of her and simply
waving a nice live pigeon or quail, or some type of game she's caught
before? i.e. Big Sucker RIGHT HERE all for You!
austringer -at- spamcop -dot- net
Kitty Tolson Carroll
2003-11-17 01:59:34 UTC
Also try a pigeon harness or a Swedish Goshawk trap. Also try different bait
animals. Bobwhite quail are good as wells pigeons, or starlings. Mix rodents
and bird (they keep each other moving, but be careful, one will harm the other.
Another good bait is gerbils and mice, they keep each other moving. Good
Flighted bird of prey demonstrations: www.birdsofprey.net. Educating the
public at Renaissance faires, Agricultural festivals, Celtic Events,
Sportsmen's shows and Theme Parks since 1989. The 2003 calendars are at
