New nest for Pale Male?
(too old to reply)
2004-12-13 16:29:03 UTC
Why can't pale male just build a nest in a tree in central park?
If you watch "Pale Male: The Movie" (http://www.palemalethemovie.com) you'll
see what happens when a red-tailed hawk lands in a tree in central park.
One of Pale Male's kids tried that after being blown out of the nest by a
gust of wind. Crows and bluejays immediately started harrarssing him.
Or why can't someone let him build a nest in another apartment?
Or why can't new york city make a nesting platform with a bunch of
nails stuck in it and put it on top of a high pole?
E Varden
2004-12-13 19:31:47 UTC
Post by Citizen_Cain
Why can't pale male just build a nest in a tree in central park?
If you watch "Pale Male: The Movie" (http://www.palemalethemovie.com) you'll
see what happens when a red-tailed hawk lands in a tree in central park.
One of Pale Male's kids tried that after being blown out of the nest by a
gust of wind. Crows and bluejays immediately started harrarssing him.
S0, that's normal. I presume Pale survived...and prolly ate a few
of his attackers...

Paul Ilechko
2004-12-13 19:36:31 UTC
Post by Citizen_Cain
Why can't pale male just build a nest in a tree in central park?
If you watch "Pale Male: The Movie" (http://www.palemalethemovie.com) you'll
see what happens when a red-tailed hawk lands in a tree in central park.
One of Pale Male's kids tried that after being blown out of the nest by a
gust of wind. Crows and bluejays immediately started harrarssing him.
S0, that's normal. I presume Pale survived...and prolly ate a few of
his attackers...
highly unlikely - crows are way more mobile than red-tails. Now, they
picked a fight with a coopers hawk that would be a different story ...
Mark Wilson
2004-12-13 23:59:56 UTC
Post by Paul Ilechko
highly unlikely - crows are way more mobile than red-tails. Now, they
picked a fight with a coopers hawk that would be a different story ...
Here in Australia we have pesky African Minor birds. They are vicious
things. I once saw 3 of them jump a crow and kill it within 5 minutes.
I hope you don't have them in central park......
2005-01-17 18:41:06 UTC
Post by Mark Wilson
Here in Australia we have pesky African Minor birds. They are vicious
things. I once saw 3 of them jump a crow and kill it within 5 minutes.
I hope you don't have them in central park......
No such bird in Africa! What you probably mean is Indian Mynahs.
They can be very aggressive particularly when protecting their
nesting sites.
Mark Wilson
2005-01-17 23:17:56 UTC
Post by Stroud
No such bird in Africa! What you probably mean is Indian Mynahs.
Yeah that's the ones :-)
(I thought African sounded wrong.)
2005-01-19 02:15:31 UTC
Post by Mark Wilson
Post by Stroud
No such bird in Africa! What you probably mean is Indian Mynahs.
Yeah that's the ones :-)
(I thought African sounded wrong.)
We have them here, introduced to New Zealand. They are the Common Mynah, not
the one usually kept as a pet in Europe. Our tui can sort them out! (he also
attacks the rosellas, blackbirds, sparrows and my doves). He rules the
garden when the kowhai is in bloom.


2004-12-14 15:31:24 UTC
Post by Paul Ilechko
Post by Citizen_Cain
Why can't pale male just build a nest in a tree in central park?
If you watch "Pale Male: The Movie" (http://www.palemalethemovie.com) you'll
see what happens when a red-tailed hawk lands in a tree in central park.
One of Pale Male's kids tried that after being blown out of the nest by a
gust of wind. Crows and bluejays immediately started harrarssing him.
S0, that's normal. I presume Pale survived...and prolly ate a few of
his attackers...
highly unlikely - crows are way more mobile than red-tails. Now, they
picked a fight with a coopers hawk that would be a different story ...
Hi Paul (hope you read rec.birds - I deleted all the other cross-posted

Party pooper. It was on-topic in all of them.
Crows do a good job of harassing raptors. Whenever our resident crows go
it usually means there's a hawk nearby. I frequently see crows harassing
Eagles. You would think a Bald Eagle would get irritated and "throttle" a
crow or two, but they don't. Guess they don't like to "eat crow" either.
Dick R.
2004-12-14 18:32:34 UTC
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Paul Ilechko
Post by Citizen_Cain
Why can't pale male just build a nest in a tree in central park?
If you watch "Pale Male: The Movie"
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Paul Ilechko
Post by Citizen_Cain
see what happens when a red-tailed hawk lands in a tree in
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Paul Ilechko
Post by Citizen_Cain
One of Pale Male's kids tried that after being blown out of the
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Paul Ilechko
Post by Citizen_Cain
by a
gust of wind. Crows and bluejays immediately started
harrarssing him.
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Paul Ilechko
S0, that's normal. I presume Pale survived...and prolly ate a few of
his attackers...
highly unlikely - crows are way more mobile than red-tails. Now, they
picked a fight with a coopers hawk that would be a different story ...
Hi Paul (hope you read rec.birds - I deleted all the other
Post by Citizen_Cain
Party pooper. It was on-topic in all of them.
Crows do a good job of harassing raptors. Whenever our resident crows go
it usually means there's a hawk nearby. I frequently see crows harassing
Eagles. You would think a Bald Eagle would get irritated and
"throttle" a
Post by Citizen_Cain
crow or two, but they don't. Guess they don't like to "eat crow" either.
Dick R.
each day as i walk the streets of manhattan
i invariably see a few people HUMAN BEINGS

in the street sick & cold ...hungry

nobody seems to notice / care

some people step right over them

one fucken BIRD ..and the city is an uproar
screw the bird !

save the peoples
2004-12-14 23:13:42 UTC
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Paul Ilechko
Post by E Varden
Post by Citizen_Cain
Why can't pale male just build a nest in a tree in central
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Paul Ilechko
Post by E Varden
Post by Citizen_Cain
If you watch "Pale Male: The Movie"
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Paul Ilechko
Post by E Varden
Post by Citizen_Cain
see what happens when a red-tailed hawk lands in a tree in
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Paul Ilechko
Post by E Varden
Post by Citizen_Cain
One of Pale Male's kids tried that after being blown out of the
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Paul Ilechko
Post by E Varden
Post by Citizen_Cain
by a
gust of wind. Crows and bluejays immediately started
harrarssing him.
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Paul Ilechko
Post by E Varden
S0, that's normal. I presume Pale survived...and prolly ate a
few of
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Paul Ilechko
Post by E Varden
his attackers...
highly unlikely - crows are way more mobile than red-tails. Now,
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Paul Ilechko
picked a fight with a coopers hawk that would be a different
story ...
Post by Citizen_Cain
Hi Paul (hope you read rec.birds - I deleted all the other
Post by Citizen_Cain
Party pooper. It was on-topic in all of them.
Crows do a good job of harassing raptors. Whenever our resident
crows go
Post by Citizen_Cain
it usually means there's a hawk nearby. I frequently see crows
Post by Citizen_Cain
Eagles. You would think a Bald Eagle would get irritated and
"throttle" a
Post by Citizen_Cain
crow or two, but they don't. Guess they don't like to "eat crow"
Post by Citizen_Cain
Dick R.
each day as i walk the streets of manhattan
i invariably see a few people HUMAN BEINGS
in the street sick & cold ...hungry
nobody seems to notice / care
some people step right over them
one fucken BIRD ..and the city is an uproar
screw the bird !
save the peoples
I don't think WebTV subscribers can legally qualify as "people."
2004-12-15 00:50:02 UTC
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Paul Ilechko
Post by E Varden
Post by Citizen_Cain
Why can't pale male just build a nest in a tree in
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Paul Ilechko
Post by E Varden
Post by Citizen_Cain
If you watch "Pale Male: The Movie"
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Paul Ilechko
Post by E Varden
Post by Citizen_Cain
see what happens when a red-tailed hawk lands in a tree in
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Paul Ilechko
Post by E Varden
Post by Citizen_Cain
One of Pale Male's kids tried that after being blown out of the
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Paul Ilechko
Post by E Varden
Post by Citizen_Cain
by a
gust of wind. Crows and bluejays immediately started
harrarssing him.
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Paul Ilechko
Post by E Varden
S0, that's normal. I presume Pale survived...and prolly ate a
few of
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Paul Ilechko
Post by E Varden
his attackers...
highly unlikely - crows are way more mobile than red-tails. Now,
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Paul Ilechko
picked a fight with a coopers hawk that would be a different
story ...
Post by Citizen_Cain
Hi Paul (hope you read rec.birds - I deleted all the other
Post by Citizen_Cain
Party pooper. It was on-topic in all of them.
Crows do a good job of harassing raptors. Whenever our
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Citizen_Cain
crows go
Post by Citizen_Cain
it usually means there's a hawk nearby. I frequently see crows
Post by Citizen_Cain
Eagles. You would think a Bald Eagle would get irritated and
"throttle" a
Post by Citizen_Cain
crow or two, but they don't. Guess they don't like to "eat crow"
Post by Citizen_Cain
Dick R.
each day as i walk the streets of manhattan
i invariably see a few people HUMAN BEINGS
in the street sick & cold ...hungry
nobody seems to notice / care
some people step right over them
one fucken BIRD ..and the city is an uproar
screw the bird !
save the peoples
I don't think WebTV subscribers can legally qualify as "people."
Richie... think about it, the sick, cold, and hungry you see on the
streets CAN help themselves and get a damn job.... like everyone
else.... the "fucken" BIRD (as you posted) CAN'T stop the jerks from
removing his nest (home).... I say "save the birds!" instead...
2004-12-15 02:42:45 UTC
Some how, I suspected "Citizen" was a New Yorker.
You'd be wrong. I'm a Georgian, born and raised. Closest I've been to New
York was when my family took a vacation to Niagara Falls.

(and stop top-posting, dag nammit!)
You know I all ways heard
that if you were going to give the earth an enema, New York is where you
would tick it.
"tick" it? You have experience with parasites, I take it?
Post by LadyTech
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Richie
each day as i walk the streets of manhattan
i invariably see a few people HUMAN BEINGS
in the street sick & cold ...hungry
nobody seems to notice / care
some people step right over them
one fucken BIRD ..and the city is an uproar
screw the bird !
save the peoples
I don't think WebTV subscribers can legally qualify as "people."
Richie... think about it, the sick, cold, and hungry you see on the
streets CAN help themselves and get a damn job.... like everyone
else.... the "fucken" BIRD (as you posted) CAN'T stop the jerks from
removing his nest (home).... I say "save the birds!" instead...
This is not true for 100 percent of the homeless. A certain number of
folks are too mentally ill to be hired but not mentally ill enough for a
state-run facility. Some have been released from mental institutions too
early for various reasons and have nowhere to go but the streets. Others
victims of circumstances of which we aren't even aware.
Are you saying Pale Male is mentally ill???
2004-12-15 03:05:51 UTC
I like top posting, do not have to read all the other crap. :0P

Bob W
Check out our web site,
A few new features and new pictures.
Post by Citizen_Cain
(and stop top-posting, dag nammit!)
2004-12-15 04:25:17 UTC
Post by Wheeler
I like top posting, do not have to read all the other crap. :0P
Bob W
Top-posting is not considered "normal universally recognized newsgroup

You newb.
Post by Wheeler
Check out our web site,
A few new features and new pictures.
Post by Citizen_Cain
(and stop top-posting, dag nammit!)
2004-12-15 05:48:08 UTC
Yeup that is me a newbe.....LOL

Bob Wheeler
Check out our web site,
A few new features and new pictures.
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Wheeler
I like top posting, do not have to read all the other crap. :0P
Bob W
Top-posting is not considered "normal universally recognized newsgroup
You newb.
Post by Wheeler
Check out our web site,
A few new features and new pictures.
Post by Citizen_Cain
(and stop top-posting, dag nammit!)
ex WGS Hamm
2004-12-15 14:22:28 UTC
Post by LadyTech
Richie... think about it, the sick, cold, and hungry you see on the
streets CAN help themselves and get a damn job
I'm sorry but I don't agree LT. With all due respect. Would *you* give a
job to a smelly, possibly alcoholic or mentally ill street person? What sort
of job do you think they could go for?
I have all the sympathy in the world for pale male and think that his nest
should never have been interfered with and should be reinstated as soon as
possible, but street people need help too. It isn't a case of one or the
To Cain,
Reinstating pale male's nest will not stop street people from being cold or
hungry. If the people living on the street, worries and upsets you so much,
can I ask what you personally are doing to alleviate their situation?
Piezo Guru
2004-12-15 22:12:19 UTC
Your son, the biker, got a job.
Post by ex WGS Hamm
Post by LadyTech
Richie... think about it, the sick, cold, and hungry you see on the
streets CAN help themselves and get a damn job
I'm sorry but I don't agree LT. With all due respect. Would *you* give a
job to a smelly, possibly alcoholic or mentally ill street person? What sort
of job do you think they could go for?
I have all the sympathy in the world for pale male and think that his nest
should never have been interfered with and should be reinstated as soon as
possible, but street people need help too. It isn't a case of one or the
To Cain,
Reinstating pale male's nest will not stop street people from being cold or
hungry. If the people living on the street, worries and upsets you so much,
can I ask what you personally are doing to alleviate their situation?
ex WGS Hamm
2004-12-16 13:43:32 UTC
Post by Piezo Guru
Your son, the biker, got a job.
My son the biker, car driver, and cycler, has always had a job. He has never
been out of work and often does voluntary work also.
Not everyone earns their cash the way you do you old slapper.
2004-12-16 17:16:20 UTC
Post by ex WGS Hamm
Post by Piezo Guru
Your son, the biker, got a job.
My son the biker, car driver, and cycler, has always had a job. He has never
been out of work and often does voluntary work also.
Not everyone earns their cash the way you do you old slapper.
Pam have you seen the way bikers are portrayed in the US? PiG seem's to
think anyone who own's a bike must be like the one's in the US or the one's
she sell's her big fat lardy arse to.
Mark Wilson
2004-12-17 07:57:41 UTC
Post by ex WGS Hamm
Not everyone earns their cash the way you do you old slapper.
Everyone in PiG's family does....
2004-12-16 01:03:44 UTC
Post by ex WGS Hamm
Post by LadyTech
Richie... think about it, the sick, cold, and hungry you see on the
streets CAN help themselves and get a damn job
I'm sorry but I don't agree LT. With all due respect. Would *you* give a
job to a smelly, possibly alcoholic or mentally ill street person? What sort
of job do you think they could go for?
I have all the sympathy in the world for pale male and think that his nest
should never have been interfered with and should be reinstated as soon as
possible, but street people need help too. It isn't a case of one or the
To Cain,
Reinstating pale male's nest will not stop street people from being cold or
hungry. If the people living on the street, worries and upsets you so much,
can I ask what you personally are doing to alleviate their
I personally wouldn't give them a job, but there are places where they
do hire the mentally ill. It probably doesn't pay much, but there are
jobs for them.
2004-12-16 17:13:12 UTC
Post by LadyTech
I personally wouldn't give them a job, but there are places where they
do hire the mentally ill. It probably doesn't pay much, but there are
jobs for them.
I don't think mentally ill people should be on the streets at all. PiG is
mentally ill and not homeless.
Piezo Guru
2004-12-19 05:13:51 UTC
I've never been a homo.
Post by Rayzorblade
Post by LadyTech
I personally wouldn't give them a job, but there are places where they
do hire the mentally ill. It probably doesn't pay much, but there are
jobs for them.
I don't think mentally ill people should be on the streets at all. PiG is
mentally ill and not homeless.
2004-12-19 14:48:37 UTC
Post by Piezo Guru
I've never been a homo.
Are you sure????
2004-12-17 23:47:54 UTC
Stop feeding the homeless and 90% will quite leeching off our society and
the other 10% will die. They will all go away.
Merry Christmas, Mister Scrooge!
The homeless are less visible? I can't walk 2 blocks anywhere in
Manhattan without having to avoid one of these wretched beings. The
homeless problem is approaching looney-liberal Dinkins and Koch levels.
Even the ones that are legitimately soliciting (with the empty water
bottles set up on a table) get nasty if you won't give them money. Why
should I give my hard-earned money away to some dirty scurfball who
won't help themselves? When Giuliani was mayor, I almost NEVER saw a
homeless person. Maybe he shipped them off to a farm or something, but
whatever he did worked. Apparently the lease on the farm is up, and
they're all back. I'd rather help the birds, at least they have some
dignity and self-respect.
(snip) Ironically, the homeless are less visible than ever.
Piezo Guru
2004-12-18 01:57:39 UTC
Has nothing to do with Christmas. Has to do with human nature. You take away
their needs and they lose their drive. Welfare syndrome. Ask the English or
Irish about it. When people have to stand on their own two feet, they will.
When they need assistance they can usually get it. Note I said "assistance"
not everything done for them.
Post by Citizen_Cain
Stop feeding the homeless and 90% will quite leeching off our society and
the other 10% will die. They will all go away.
Merry Christmas, Mister Scrooge!
The homeless are less visible? I can't walk 2 blocks anywhere in
Manhattan without having to avoid one of these wretched beings. The
homeless problem is approaching looney-liberal Dinkins and Koch levels.
Even the ones that are legitimately soliciting (with the empty water
bottles set up on a table) get nasty if you won't give them money.
Post by Citizen_Cain
should I give my hard-earned money away to some dirty scurfball who
won't help themselves? When Giuliani was mayor, I almost NEVER saw a
homeless person. Maybe he shipped them off to a farm or something, but
whatever he did worked. Apparently the lease on the farm is up, and
they're all back. I'd rather help the birds, at least they have some
dignity and self-respect.
(snip) Ironically, the homeless are less visible than ever.
2004-12-18 03:24:34 UTC
Post by Piezo Guru
Has nothing to do with Christmas.
Wow. That had to be one of the fastest incidents of missing the point that
I've ever seen. Congratulations!

Has to do with human nature. You take away
Post by Piezo Guru
their needs and they lose their drive. Welfare syndrome. Ask the English or
Irish about it. When people have to stand on their own two feet, they will.
When they need assistance they can usually get it. Note I said
Post by Piezo Guru
not everything done for them.
Post by Citizen_Cain
Stop feeding the homeless and 90% will quite leeching off our society
Post by Citizen_Cain
the other 10% will die. They will all go away.
Merry Christmas, Mister Scrooge!
The homeless are less visible? I can't walk 2 blocks anywhere in
Manhattan without having to avoid one of these wretched beings. The
homeless problem is approaching looney-liberal Dinkins and Koch
Post by Citizen_Cain
Even the ones that are legitimately soliciting (with the empty water
bottles set up on a table) get nasty if you won't give them money.
Post by Citizen_Cain
should I give my hard-earned money away to some dirty scurfball who
won't help themselves? When Giuliani was mayor, I almost NEVER saw a
homeless person. Maybe he shipped them off to a farm or something,
Post by Citizen_Cain
whatever he did worked. Apparently the lease on the farm is up, and
they're all back. I'd rather help the birds, at least they have some
dignity and self-respect.
(snip) Ironically, the homeless are less visible than ever.
Piezo Guru
2004-12-18 15:12:46 UTC
What was your point then if it wasn't using the commercial value of your
religious views for some personal argument gain?
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Has nothing to do with Christmas.
Wow. That had to be one of the fastest incidents of missing the point that
I've ever seen. Congratulations!
Has to do with human nature. You take away
Post by Piezo Guru
their needs and they lose their drive. Welfare syndrome. Ask the English
Post by Piezo Guru
Irish about it. When people have to stand on their own two feet, they
Post by Piezo Guru
When they need assistance they can usually get it. Note I said
Post by Piezo Guru
not everything done for them.
Post by Citizen_Cain
Stop feeding the homeless and 90% will quite leeching off our society
Post by Citizen_Cain
the other 10% will die. They will all go away.
Merry Christmas, Mister Scrooge!
The homeless are less visible? I can't walk 2 blocks anywhere in
Manhattan without having to avoid one of these wretched beings.
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
homeless problem is approaching looney-liberal Dinkins and Koch
Post by Citizen_Cain
Even the ones that are legitimately soliciting (with the empty water
bottles set up on a table) get nasty if you won't give them money.
Post by Citizen_Cain
should I give my hard-earned money away to some dirty scurfball who
won't help themselves? When Giuliani was mayor, I almost NEVER
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
homeless person. Maybe he shipped them off to a farm or something,
Post by Citizen_Cain
whatever he did worked. Apparently the lease on the farm is up, and
they're all back. I'd rather help the birds, at least they have
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
dignity and self-respect.
(snip) Ironically, the homeless are less visible than ever.
2004-12-18 16:40:24 UTC
Post by Piezo Guru
What was your point then if it wasn't using the commercial value of your
religious views for some personal argument gain?
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Has nothing to do with Christmas.
Wow. That had to be one of the fastest incidents of missing the point
Post by Citizen_Cain
I've ever seen. Congratulations!
Has to do with human nature. You take away
Post by Piezo Guru
their needs and they lose their drive. Welfare syndrome. Ask the English
Post by Piezo Guru
Irish about it. When people have to stand on their own two feet, they
Post by Piezo Guru
When they need assistance they can usually get it. Note I said
Post by Piezo Guru
not everything done for them.
Post by Citizen_Cain
Stop feeding the homeless and 90% will quite leeching off our
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
the other 10% will die. They will all go away.
Merry Christmas, Mister Scrooge!
The homeless are less visible? I can't walk 2 blocks anywhere in
Manhattan without having to avoid one of these wretched beings.
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
homeless problem is approaching looney-liberal Dinkins and Koch
Post by Citizen_Cain
Even the ones that are legitimately soliciting (with the empty
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
bottles set up on a table) get nasty if you won't give them money.
Post by Citizen_Cain
should I give my hard-earned money away to some dirty scurfball
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
won't help themselves? When Giuliani was mayor, I almost NEVER
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
homeless person. Maybe he shipped them off to a farm or
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
whatever he did worked. Apparently the lease on the farm is up,
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
they're all back. I'd rather help the birds, at least they have
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
dignity and self-respect.
(snip) Ironically, the homeless are less visible than ever.
Piezo Guru
2004-12-18 16:49:06 UTC
Top posting is a requirement under Usenet Rule #528 para 2. subpara. iii.

The blow it out you ear rule.
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
What was your point then if it wasn't using the commercial value of your
religious views for some personal argument gain?
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Has nothing to do with Christmas.
Wow. That had to be one of the fastest incidents of missing the point
Post by Citizen_Cain
I've ever seen. Congratulations!
Has to do with human nature. You take away
Post by Piezo Guru
their needs and they lose their drive. Welfare syndrome. Ask the
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Irish about it. When people have to stand on their own two feet, they
Post by Piezo Guru
When they need assistance they can usually get it. Note I said
Post by Piezo Guru
not everything done for them.
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Stop feeding the homeless and 90% will quite leeching off our
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
the other 10% will die. They will all go away.
Merry Christmas, Mister Scrooge!
The homeless are less visible? I can't walk 2 blocks anywhere
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Manhattan without having to avoid one of these wretched beings.
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
homeless problem is approaching looney-liberal Dinkins and Koch
Post by Citizen_Cain
Even the ones that are legitimately soliciting (with the empty
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
bottles set up on a table) get nasty if you won't give them
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
should I give my hard-earned money away to some dirty scurfball
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
won't help themselves? When Giuliani was mayor, I almost NEVER
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
homeless person. Maybe he shipped them off to a farm or
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
whatever he did worked. Apparently the lease on the farm is up,
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
they're all back. I'd rather help the birds, at least they have
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
dignity and self-respect.
(snip) Ironically, the homeless are less visible than ever.
2004-12-18 16:52:19 UTC
Post by Piezo Guru
Top posting is a requirement under Usenet Rule #528 para 2. subpara. iii.
The blow it out you ear rule.
Top-posting is gay, stupid, and your mother is a whore.
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
What was your point then if it wasn't using the commercial value of your
religious views for some personal argument gain?
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Has nothing to do with Christmas.
Wow. That had to be one of the fastest incidents of missing the point
Post by Citizen_Cain
I've ever seen. Congratulations!
Has to do with human nature. You take away
Post by Piezo Guru
their needs and they lose their drive. Welfare syndrome. Ask the
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Irish about it. When people have to stand on their own two feet,
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
When they need assistance they can usually get it. Note I said
Post by Piezo Guru
not everything done for them.
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Stop feeding the homeless and 90% will quite leeching off our
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
the other 10% will die. They will all go away.
Merry Christmas, Mister Scrooge!
The homeless are less visible? I can't walk 2 blocks anywhere
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Manhattan without having to avoid one of these wretched
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
homeless problem is approaching looney-liberal Dinkins and
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Even the ones that are legitimately soliciting (with the empty
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
bottles set up on a table) get nasty if you won't give them
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
should I give my hard-earned money away to some dirty
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
won't help themselves? When Giuliani was mayor, I almost
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
homeless person. Maybe he shipped them off to a farm or
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
whatever he did worked. Apparently the lease on the farm is
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
they're all back. I'd rather help the birds, at least they
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
dignity and self-respect.
(snip) Ironically, the homeless are less visible than ever.
Piezo Guru
2004-12-19 05:14:21 UTC
You paid well for her.
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Top posting is a requirement under Usenet Rule #528 para 2. subpara. iii.
The blow it out you ear rule.
Top-posting is gay, stupid, and your mother is a whore.
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
What was your point then if it wasn't using the commercial value of
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
religious views for some personal argument gain?
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Has nothing to do with Christmas.
Wow. That had to be one of the fastest incidents of missing the
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
I've ever seen. Congratulations!
Has to do with human nature. You take away
Post by Piezo Guru
their needs and they lose their drive. Welfare syndrome. Ask the
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Irish about it. When people have to stand on their own two feet,
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
When they need assistance they can usually get it. Note I said
Post by Piezo Guru
not everything done for them.
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Stop feeding the homeless and 90% will quite leeching off our
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
the other 10% will die. They will all go away.
Merry Christmas, Mister Scrooge!
The homeless are less visible? I can't walk 2 blocks
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Manhattan without having to avoid one of these wretched
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
homeless problem is approaching looney-liberal Dinkins and
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Even the ones that are legitimately soliciting (with the
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
bottles set up on a table) get nasty if you won't give them
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
should I give my hard-earned money away to some dirty
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
won't help themselves? When Giuliani was mayor, I almost
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
homeless person. Maybe he shipped them off to a farm or
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
whatever he did worked. Apparently the lease on the farm is
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
they're all back. I'd rather help the birds, at least they
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
dignity and self-respect.
(snip) Ironically, the homeless are less visible than
2004-12-19 05:24:42 UTC
Post by Piezo Guru
You paid well for her.
Sorry. Everyone knows your whore of a mother gives it out for free.

Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Top posting is a requirement under Usenet Rule #528 para 2. subpara.
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
The blow it out you ear rule.
Top-posting is gay, stupid, and your mother is a whore.
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
What was your point then if it wasn't using the commercial value of
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
religious views for some personal argument gain?
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Has nothing to do with Christmas.
Wow. That had to be one of the fastest incidents of missing the
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
I've ever seen. Congratulations!
Has to do with human nature. You take away
Post by Piezo Guru
their needs and they lose their drive. Welfare syndrome. Ask the
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Irish about it. When people have to stand on their own two feet,
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
When they need assistance they can usually get it. Note I said
Post by Piezo Guru
not everything done for them.
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Stop feeding the homeless and 90% will quite leeching off
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
the other 10% will die. They will all go away.
Merry Christmas, Mister Scrooge!
The homeless are less visible? I can't walk 2 blocks
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Manhattan without having to avoid one of these wretched
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
homeless problem is approaching looney-liberal Dinkins and
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Even the ones that are legitimately soliciting (with the
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
bottles set up on a table) get nasty if you won't give
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
should I give my hard-earned money away to some dirty
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
won't help themselves? When Giuliani was mayor, I almost
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
homeless person. Maybe he shipped them off to a farm or
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
whatever he did worked. Apparently the lease on the
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
they're all back. I'd rather help the birds, at least
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by Citizen_Cain
dignity and self-respect.
(snip) Ironically, the homeless are less visible than
2004-12-13 21:38:03 UTC
Post by E Varden
Post by Citizen_Cain
If you watch "Pale Male: The Movie" (http://www.palemalethemovie.com) you'll
see what happens when a red-tailed hawk lands in a tree in central park.
One of Pale Male's kids tried that after being blown out of the nest by a
gust of wind. Crows and bluejays immediately started harrarssing him.
S0, that's normal. I presume Pale survived...and prolly ate a few
of his attackers...
Others have pointed out that the superior maneuverability of the
Crows or the Jays make it unlikely the Red-tailed would nail one.

And it is normal. What is different, however, is the high density
of Crows in Central Park, and the low density of hawks. All those
Crows have only one Red-tailed to pick on. Out in the boonies
somewhere, the Red-tailed would be able to find an area to nest
where he could enjoy relative peace. But no way in Central Park.

2004-12-14 03:15:40 UTC
Post by RJP
Post by E Varden
Post by Citizen_Cain
If you watch "Pale Male: The Movie" (http://www.palemalethemovie.com) you'll
see what happens when a red-tailed hawk lands in a tree in central park.
One of Pale Male's kids tried that after being blown out of the nest by a
gust of wind. Crows and bluejays immediately started harrarssing him.
S0, that's normal. I presume Pale survived...and prolly ate a few
of his attackers...
Others have pointed out that the superior maneuverability of the
Crows or the Jays make it unlikely the Red-tailed would nail one.
Which makes "Pale Male: The Movie" all the more fun to watch when you see
the footage of Pale Male defending his nest by kicking feathers and taking
names as he goes up against a group of 20-25 crows all on his own and takes
them out one at a time. It's pretty impressive to watch; that is one bold
Post by RJP
And it is normal. What is different, however, is the high density
of Crows in Central Park, and the low density of hawks. All those
Crows have only one Red-tailed to pick on. Out in the boonies
somewhere, the Red-tailed would be able to find an area to nest
where he could enjoy relative peace. But no way in Central Park.
2004-12-14 03:12:57 UTC
Post by E Varden
Post by Citizen_Cain
Why can't pale male just build a nest in a tree in central park?
If you watch "Pale Male: The Movie" (http://www.palemalethemovie.com) you'll
see what happens when a red-tailed hawk lands in a tree in central park.
One of Pale Male's kids tried that after being blown out of the nest by a
gust of wind. Crows and bluejays immediately started harrarssing him.
S0, that's normal. I presume Pale survived...and prolly ate a few
of his attackers...
"Pale Jr." did indeed survive, though he had to move to another tree. Pale
Male Sr. got revenge for his son later after taking on a group of 20-25
crows singlehandedly one at a time. Never let it be said that a red-tailed
hawk isn't a badass.
2004-12-17 19:11:43 UTC
Yes, Pale Male is a hawk, but this is a *falconry* group, so please put
[OT] in the subject line -- or do not include our group in your cross

And to that top-posting dork, this is Usenet, so use the Usenet
standard of in-line responding or be forever called a clue-free noob.
Dick R.
2004-12-17 20:17:40 UTC
Post by dirthawker
Yes, Pale Male is a hawk, but this is a *falconry* group, so please put
[OT] in the subject line -- or do not include our group in your cross
And to that top-posting dork, this is Usenet, so use the Usenet
standard of in-line responding or be forever called a clue-free noob.
Hey "dirthawker",
Couldn't have said it better myself. I don't like cross posted messages
either. As far as top/bottom posting, I think there are lots of folks
who are used to the Microsoft Mail top posting. I go both ways, depending
on the brevity of the message. Keep those Falcons flying, and if it seems
appropriate, please post a message to rec.birds.

Nice to hear from you,
Dick R. in Apple Valley, Minnesota USA - 20 miles south of Minneapolis
(a rec.bird person)
2004-12-18 01:57:49 UTC
Post by Dick R.
Hey "dirthawker",
Couldn't have said it better myself. I don't like cross posted
Post by Dick R.
either. As far as top/bottom posting, I think there are lots of folks
who are used to the Microsoft Mail top posting. I go both ways, depending
on the brevity of the message. Keep those Falcons flying, and if it seems
appropriate, please post a message to rec.birds.
Nice to hear from you,
Dick R. in Apple Valley, Minnesota USA - 20 miles south of
Post by Dick R.
(a rec.bird person)
Hi Dick, thanks for the warm response and the good sense to chop all
those extra groups out. Not too many falconers around in a.s.f.
anymore, most of us are on the mailing lists or Yahoo groups. I know
exactly what you mean about short messages and it makes sense in that
situation, but sometimes you gotta whack the stupids upside the head.
I'll try to drop into rec birds more often.
Dick R.
2004-12-18 03:27:37 UTC
Post by dirthawker
Post by Dick R.
Hey "dirthawker",
Couldn't have said it better myself. I don't like cross posted
messages either. As far as top/bottom posting, I think there are
lots of folks who are used to the Microsoft Mail top posting.
I go both ways, depending on the brevity of the message. Keep
those Falcons flying, and if it seems appropriate, please post
a message to rec.birds.
Nice to hear from you,
Dick R. in Apple Valley, Minnesota USA - 20 miles south of
(a rec.birds person)
Hi Dick, thanks for the warm response and the good sense to chop all
those extra groups out. Not too many falconers around in a.s.f.
anymore, most of us are on the mailing lists or Yahoo groups. I know
exactly what you mean about short messages and it makes sense in that
situation, but sometimes you gotta whack the stupids upside the head.
I'll try to drop into rec birds more often.
Hi Andrea,
It may not quite apply to falconry, but in the Minneapolis/St. Paul
Minnesota area, we love our Peregrine Falcons! They're nesting on
buildings, bridges and smokestacks (with a few platforms provided by
the power company). Around here, the first response has always been
to (very discretely) install a webcam. Magnificent birds!
In rec.birds we not only discuss feeder birds, but also raptor
sightings and many other birds. Please visit!

Dick R. in Apple Valley, Minnesota USA - 20 miles south of Minneapolis
2004-12-17 23:42:58 UTC
Post by dirthawker
Yes, Pale Male is a hawk, but this is a *falconry* group,
No it's not. It's rec.pets.birds.
Post by dirthawker
so please put
[OT] in the subject line -- or do not include our group in your cross
Screw you, you damn dirty hippie.
Post by dirthawker
And to that top-posting dork, this is Usenet, so use the Usenet
standard of in-line responding or be forever called a clue-free noob.
Birds of a feather...
2004-12-18 03:09:26 UTC
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by dirthawker
Yes, Pale Male is a hawk, but this is a *falconry* group,
No it's not. It's rec.pets.birds.
Post by dirthawker
so please put
[OT] in the subject line -- or do not include our group in your cross
Pale Male was the star of a movie (shown on PBS, too), so we're OK with
him on alt.gossip.celebrities (and presumably alt.showbiz.gossip and
Visit my Iron Age Pages for technical and fun stuff (holiday specials,
2004-12-18 03:26:39 UTC
Post by FeAudrey
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by dirthawker
Yes, Pale Male is a hawk, but this is a *falconry* group,
No it's not. It's rec.pets.birds.
Post by dirthawker
so please put
[OT] in the subject line -- or do not include our group in your cross
Pale Male was the star of a movie (shown on PBS, too), so we're OK with
him on alt.gossip.celebrities (and presumably alt.showbiz.gossip and
He was GREAT in that movie too! Damn shame he wasn't nominated for a Golden
Globe. Pale Male is a great actor!
2004-12-18 03:40:22 UTC
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by dirthawker
Yes, Pale Male is a hawk, but this is a *falconry* group,
No it's not. It's rec.pets.birds
Your original message posted Dec. 13 was crossposted to
And it was on-topic in every one of them.
You're reading it in r.p.b. I'm reading it in a.s.f. It's [OT] here.
I am removing a.s.f. so as to not cause further mess.
Why are you such a whiner?
If you can't remember where you splattered your own original message
across Usenet, well, I'm afraid you're beyond the help of just about
You obviously missed the point. You couldn't be helped if Santa Claus
himself offered assistance.
It's clear that politeness has little effect. Pity that
euthenasia of idiots is kind of illegal.
If it was, you would have been in the grave a long time ago.
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by dirthawker
so please put
[OT] in the subject line -- or do not include our group in your
Post by Citizen_Cain
Post by dirthawker
Screw you, you damn dirty hippie.
<ROFL> That's the best you can come up with? What a hoot!
No, it's not, but a fellow like you isn't worth the best.
Piezo Guru
2004-12-18 02:00:40 UTC
First of all, you stop cross posting first, ya' goofbal, and Usenet rules
always dictate to put attachments (any previous posts included) at the
bottom for clarity and politcal correctness. This means post your response
at the top.

Can't ya' read?

Show me **your** Usenet rules!
Post by dirthawker
Yes, Pale Male is a hawk, but this is a *falconry* group, so please put
[OT] in the subject line -- or do not include our group in your cross
And to that top-posting dork, this is Usenet, so use the Usenet
standard of in-line responding or be forever called a clue-free noob.
2004-12-18 03:41:01 UTC
Post by Piezo Guru
First of all, you stop cross posting first, ya' goofbal, and Usenet rules
always dictate to put attachments (any previous posts included) at the
bottom for clarity and politcal correctness. This means post your response
at the top.
Can't ya' read?
Show me **your** Usenet rules!
You tell 'em sista! Oh no you didn't!
Post by Piezo Guru
Post by dirthawker
Yes, Pale Male is a hawk, but this is a *falconry* group, so please put
[OT] in the subject line -- or do not include our group in your cross
And to that top-posting dork, this is Usenet, so use the Usenet
standard of in-line responding or be forever called a clue-free noob.