2008-06-02 22:29:09 UTC
Yikes - Peregrines are eating all my brothers white (fantailed?)
We could shut them indoors for a few days, but there isnt much room
and it's not a good long-term solution.
How can we stop it?
Keep Peregrines instead.Yikes - Peregrines are eating all my brothers white (fantailed?)
We could shut them indoors for a few days, but there isnt much room
and it's not a good long-term solution.
How can we stop it?
Would keeping a peregrine scare off other peregrines?
What about sticking a stuffed peregrine on the roof of the house?
Or having a loud speaker broadcasting peregrine calls at rather large
That would probably scare away any wild pigeons, perhaps making the falcons
more likely to prey on the domesticated doves.
One thing I should explain is that the doves live in a courtyard
and are quite tame. Therein could lie their one chance. The peregrines
are extremely shy - albeit determined. Hence something like loud
might well scare off the peregrines. Afterall the peregrine nest is a
few miles away
and there would be plenty other food nearer them.
Also have you ever tried eating chickens that have been fed kippers?
They and their eggs taste disgusting - so I reckon it's worth a shot.
A long-shot I agree. But all these doves are very distinctive - and if
the peregrine came to associate white doves with rather a nasty
breakfast you never know - it might encourage it to better tasting
As to the ideas that peregrines have poor taste - does anyone here
KNOW this for a fact? I do know that they die if they eat just rabbit.
Perhaps someone from alt.falconry could comment...