( DUUUUUH ) Regis and Kelly are completely clueless on "Pale Male" and "Lola"
(too old to reply)
2004-12-13 16:02:26 UTC
This morning Regis and Kelly briefly discussed the plight of Pale Male and
Lola, the two currently homeless red-tailed hawks evicted by the co-op board
of 927 Fifth Avenue, on which the two birds have had a nest for the past 13
years and raised 23 chicks while residing there.

Regis kept peppering Kelly with questions about what was going on. Not only
did Kelly get the number of chicks wrong (she said it had been eleven) but
she also was unable to answer any of his other questions with material as
well. Regis said the concern was that the hawks hadn't been sighted for
awhile ("awhile" being a few days) but the website http://www.palemale.com
disputes that with both recent photos of Pale Male and Lola and daily
reports of their sightings and behaviors.

The only part Kelly got correct were the names of the two birds and she
appeared to have to struggle to remember them. All this going on less than
a few miles from their studio, they've been discussing it since last week,
and yet the two of them know less NOW than they did THEN. Regis asked if
the hawks were monogamous and what had happened to Pale Male's other mates
if he was now on a different mate number than he originally started with.
He joked about how Pale Male might have kicked his first few 'wives' out of
the nest because he found someone better. The sad reality is that his first
mate was injured and taken to rehabiliate. While she was in therapy for an
injured wing, he took in another. That female was blind in one eye and
later found dead by car. The third mate was his first one, returned after
being released, and she died after eating a poisoned pigeon.

More information can be found at

or http://www.palemale.com

and always check out http://www.palemalethemovie.com

Regis and Kelly really need to get off their duffs and browse the Internet
for a few minutes. Or maybe flip the channel over to CNN, who covered the
update this morning about negotiations to put back the nest that will be
going on this afternoon.
2004-12-13 16:30:27 UTC
And that's pretty strange as her daughter's name is Lola and Kelly works
with Regis who is a pale male. :D
Post by Citizen_Cain
The only part Kelly got correct were the names of the two birds and she
appeared to have to struggle to remember them.
Zach Qualley
2004-12-14 00:39:16 UTC
Post by Citizen_Cain
This morning Regis and Kelly briefly discussed
They're boneheads, what do you expect?

2004-12-16 01:33:15 UTC
Hey Larry,
Long time, no communicado (I always say that). :-)
Maybe the message could have been posted to a group of
automotive folks who like Thunder"birds", or music
collectors who like Charlie "Bird". My experience with
cross posting goes back to when I cross posted to two
different newsgroups. I was attacked from both sides.
Cross posting is a favorite trick of spammers and trolls.
Whatever ...
Have a great holiday season!
Dick R.
Larry is teh troll. You are teh instubator.
Could you cross post this to ANY MORE groups?
Give us a break! KILLfillllllllllllle away.